Caremore Group is a living support service dedicated to helping improve the lives of looked after children leaving local authority care – we care more.

Caremore Group is a living support service dedicated to helping improve the lives of looked after children leaving local authority care – we care more.
We are an insured and registered care provider delivering bespoke and tailored care packages. We specialise in providing support for looked after children with challenging behaviour and/or emotional needs in a semi-independent setting; designed to ensure a successful transition into independent living, education or employment.
We offer both short and long-term support and emergency placements.
To encourage the young people in our care to make the right decisions for their future, through targeted and quality services, delivered by role models who care more.
We provide high quality care to young people, encouraging them to develop, reach their full potential, and build positive support networks to achieve their aspirations; whether that is returning to education, finding meaningful work or making new friendships. Our aim is to help people to live independent and fulfilling lives and this is at the heart of what we do.
Caremore Group provides 24hour semi-independent living support service for looked-after young people, both male and female, offering support and accommodation in London and surrounding boroughs to care leavers aged between 16 and 18.
We are committed to ensuring our homes are of high quality and each young person has their own personal space which they are responsible for up-keeping.
Caremore Group strives to maintain high levels of safety and security, whilst providing a homely environment for the young people in our care. Our policies and procedures relating to health and safety issues reflect this approach.
Our homes are in residential streets and are located within areas that are close to transport, colleges and other amenities. Staff maintain a presence 24 hours a day.
We’re proud of our team, they are vital to ensure smooth delivery of our service. We ensure that our staff are fully trained and meet regularly with the management team for monthly updates. We enforce an open-door policy so that our team always have access to the right people, at the right time. Staff receive regular training across a range of specialisms to ensure successful delivery of the learning

We firmly believe that every child has the right to be supported into a successful transition from childhood to adulthood regardless of their background or circumstances. Importantly, given the right support, we believe all people have the potential to find their own solutions. This support must be adaptable to changing circumstances and built on the foundations of trust.